Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section.
Mary Beard, “Power to the People?” (TLS)
Luke Bretherton, “Democracy as a work in progress rather than a work of progress” (Immanent Frame)
Alessandro Scafi, “The work and legacy of Aby Warburg” (TLS Blog)
Michael Shae, “Living Dangerously with Donizetti” (NYRB)
Julia Wang, “Brexit: Britain’s Xenophobic Search for National Identity” (Huffington Post Blog)
Jörg Auberg, »Der bibliophile Maulwurf« (
Florian Mahot Boudias, « Qu’est-ce que le contemporain ? » (La vie des idées)
Philippe Chevalier, « Sous les signes de Krzysztof Kieślowski » (
Laurent Coumel, « Par-delà Tchernobyl » (La vie des idées)
John Gray, “It’s unfashionable to call someone a ‘genius’ – but William Empson was one” (The New Statesman)
Christoph Menke, »Zurück zu Hannah Arendt – die Flüchtlinge und die Krise der Menschenrechte« (Merkur)
Jana Prikryl, “15 Short Texts in Search of Hilla Becher” (The Nation)
Alessandro Scafi, “The work and legacy of Aby Warburg” (TLS Blog)
Robert Stone, “How Michael Herr transcended New Journalism” (Literary Hub)
And finally, the 2010 Conférence Marc Bloch delivered by Carlo Ginzburg: « Lectures de Mauss. L’Essai sur le don » (Canal U)
Robert Saunders, Democracy and Disconnect: Brexit in Historical Perspective (Gladstone Diaries)
Peter Mandler, Britain’s EU Problem is a London Problem (Dissent)
Freddy Foks, Britain is in the middle of an all-consuming constitutional crisis (OpenDemocracy)
Mary-Dan Johnston, ex-pat-riot-ism (frames)
Melvyn Bragg et al, Sovereignty (In Our Time)
Elizabeth Yale, Natural History and the Invention of Great Britain (Aeon)
Ann Patty, The People Who Are Bringing Latin to Life (Wall Street Journal)
Andrew Arato, “The Promise and Logic of Federations, and the Problem of their stability” (Public Seminar)
Christopher Byrd, “Our Country, Our Critic” (Democracy Journal)
Daniel Fraser, “Picasso and Truth” (Ready Steady Books)
Dustin Illingworth, “An Incomplete Eloquence” (Los Angeles Review of Books)
Rachel Kushner, “Popular Mechanics” (The New Republic)
Rochelle Gurstein, “W(h)ither the New Sensibility” (The Baffler)
Kait Howard, “UNESCO Moves to Protect Anglo-Saxon Book of Poems and Ribald Riddles” (Melville House Books)
Rachel Moss, “Academic Kindness: Chris Wickham, Europe, and Who We Want to Be Now” (Meny Snoweballes)
James Palmer, “The Isles and Europe” (merovingianworld)
Donna Zuckerberg, “In the Culture War between Students and Professors, the University is the Enemy” (Jezebel)