Picasso, Girl Reading at a Table (1934)
Stephanie McCarter, “The Bad Wives: Misogyny’s Age-Old Roots in the Home” (Eidolon)
Sam Haselby, “These should be the end times for patriotism” (aeon)
Eric Posner and Glen Weyl, “How Economists Became Timid” (Chronicle of Higher Education)
Claire Messud, “Wilder and Wilder” (NYRB)
Doreen St. Felix, “The Carnage and Chaos of Childish Gambino’s ‘This if America’” (New Yorker)
Charles Arthur, Scientists discover why fungi have 36,000 sexes (Independent)
Patchen Barss, Meet Your Body’s Death Eaters. From brain to blood to bone, macrophages take out our cellular trash (Nautilus)
S.Lochlann Jain, Cancer butch. (Cultural anthropology)
Miles Klee, Dirty War. The personal frontlines of germ warfare(Lapham’s Quarterly)
Lydia Robert, “Not in Someone Else’s Footsteps” (LARB)
David W. Blight, “The Silent Type” (NYRB)
“The First Reviews of Every Toni Morrison Novel” (LitHub)
Rosebud Ben-Oni, “A Future for a Handful of Hours” (Marginalia)
Katherine Harvey, “Iconology of a Cardinal” (Public Domain Review)
Nils Gilman, “Human Rights and Neoliberalism,” (LARB)
Nanor Kebranian, “Genocide Recognition Without Human Rights?” (Humanity J Blog)
David Runciman, “Why Replacing Politicians with Experts is a Reckless Idea,” (Guardian)
Stuart Schrader, “Henri LeFebvre, Mao Zedong and the Global Urban Concept,” (Global Urban History)
Robert Zaretsky, “The Welcoming Labyrinth: What We Gain And Lose As Libraries Change,” (The Chronicle of Higher Education)
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