The new issue of the Journal of the History of Ideas (issue 84, volume 4, October 2023) is now live on Project MUSE.

Over the coming weeks, we will publish short interviews with some of the authors featured in this issue about the historical and historiographical context of their respective essays. Look out for these conversations under the rubric Broadly Speaking.

Included in this issue is a remembrance of the late Donald R. Kelley, who served as executive editor of the journal from 1985 through 2005.

Donald R. Kelley (1931–2023) 
pp. v – vi 
Michael C. Carhart 

Thinking about Chemistry in Byzantium and the Islamic World 
pp. 595 – 619 
Alexandre M. Roberts 

The Idea of Deafness as Disability in Renaissance Germany 
pp. 621 – 652 
Jacob M. Baum 

Euhemerus and Euhemerism in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries 
pp. 653 – 683 
Felix Schlichter 

Bureaucracy: The Making of a Buzzword 
pp. 685 – 710 
Anna Joukovskaia 

“The Stereotype Takes Care of Everything”: Labor Antisemitism and Critical Theory During World War II 
pp. 711 – 742 
Charles H. Clavey 

Myth, Modernity, and the Legacy of the Axial Age: Taylor, Habermas, Assmann, and Jaspers 
pp. 743 – 773 
Carmen Lea Dege 

Historians of Ideas Rush in Where Stratigraphers Fear to Tread 
pp. 775 – 801 
Joyce E. Chaplin 

Books Received 
pp. 803 – 805 

Contents of Volume 83 
pp. 813 – 814