by the Primary Editors
As another successful year comes to a close, we reflect on some of the most popular pieces we have published over the course of 2024. We thank all our authors, editors, and readers for their continued support and engagement!
Historicizing Libertarianism, or How to Write Intellectual History Without Intellectuals, by Dennis Kölling.
Liberalism and the Non-European: Isaiah Berlin and Edward Said, by Beatriz Silva.
Lessons of the Cold War: The Influence of Leszek Kołakowski on Tony Judt, by Artur Banaszewski and Jacob Saliba.
Marx and Republicanism: An Interview with Bruno Leipold, by Jochen Schmon.
New JHI Blog Reading List: Islamic Intellectual History, by Nilab Saeedi and Luke Wilkinson.
Managing the Sexual Revolution, Catholic Style: Towards an Intellectual History, by Pete Cajka.
Hannah Arendt and Isaiah Berlin: An interview with Kei Hiruta, by Jonas Bakkeli Eide.
The Futures Past of the Postcolonial Present, by David Scott.
Toward a Queer Theory of the State: An Interview with Samuel Clowes Huneke, by Jon Catlin.
From Pulpits to Parapets: Sermons in Revolutionary Boston, by Becca Palmer.
Advertising Etiquette: On Shaping the New York City Subway, by Simone Blandford.
Revisiting Tropical Modernism: Why Now? by Rukmini Swaminathan.
How Reason Encountered Work: The Encyclopédie and the Métiers, by Facundo Rocca.
Awakening the Ashes: Disha Karnad Jani interviews Marlene Daut.
Revolutions in the Political thought of Kant and Hegel: An interview with Richard Bourke, by Serena Cho.
Featured Image: Piazza della Signoria in Florence, by Giuseppe Zocchi, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.