The new issue of the Journal of the History of Ideas (issue 84, volume 3, July 2023) is now live on Project MUSE.

Over the coming weeks, we will publish short interviews with some of the authors featured in this issue about the historical and historiographical context of their respective essays. Look out for these conversations under the rubric Broadly Speaking.


Table of Contents
Volume 84, Issue 3

The Wise Adviser Trap: Catastrophic Decision-Making in Herodotus and Thucydides
Emma Lunbeck and Robert Stone

Portable Scholasticism? The Intellectual Horizons of Gervase of Tilbury
Philippa Byrne 

On Indexing: The Birth and Early Development of an Idea
Giancarlo Abbamonte And Craig Kallendorf

Astronomical Chronology, the Jesuit China Mission, and Enlightenment History 
Gianamar Giovannetti-Singh

Art as Critical Experience in Theodor W. Adorno and John Dewey
Athanassia Williamson

Hannah Arendt among the Cold War Liberals
Samuel Moyn

The Neoliberal Transition in Intellectual and Economic History
Nicholas Mulder

Books Received
**Open access**