The new issue of the Journal of the History of Ideas (volume 85, issue 1, January 2024) is now live on Project MUSE.

Over the coming weeks, we will publish short interviews with some of the authors featured in this issue about the historical and historiographical context of their respective essays. Look out for these conversations under the rubric Broadly Speaking.

Table of Contents

Legal Analogies in Cicero’s Political Thought
Maarten Klink 

A Calf from a Tree-Trunk: From a Rustic Proverb to a Standard Scholastic Argument
Sergey Ivanov 

“The right we have to our owne bodies, goods, and liberties”: The Freedom of the Ancient Constitution and Common Law in Milton’s Early Prose
Benjamin Woodford 

Taking Pragmatism Seriously Enough: Toward a Deeper Understanding of the British Debate over Pragmatism, ca. 1900–1910
Ymko Braaksma 

Channeling Erasmus in Communist Poland: Leszek Kołakowski, Vatican II, and the Reinvention of “Counter-Reformation”
Piotr H. Kosicki 

Alternate Edens: History, Evolution, and Origins in UNESCO’s Cultural and Scientific History of Mankind
Emily M. Kern 

Psychiatry and Decolonization: Histories of Transcultural Psychiatry in the Twentieth Century
Ana Antić