Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section. Yitzchak: David P. Goldman, “A Sea… Continue Reading →
Here are some pieces from around the internet that have caught the eyes of our editorial team this week: Derek: “Garbage, Genius, or Both? Three Ways of Looking at Infinite Jest” (LitHub) Editors, “Debating the Uses and Abuses of ‘Neoliberalism’:… Continue Reading →
Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section. Cynthia Moths have been on… Continue Reading →
Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section. Disha Pankaj Mishra, “What Is… Continue Reading →
Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section. Cynthia Hanneke Grootenboer, “Sublime Still Life:… Continue Reading →
Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section. Derek Josephine Livingstone, “The British… Continue Reading →
Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section. Sarah: Neal Ascherson, “A Swap for… Continue Reading →
Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section. Sarah: Steve Kolowich, “What is a… Continue Reading →
Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section. Disha: Rudrapriya Rathore, “India’s Imagined… Continue Reading →
Here are a few interesting articles and pieces we found around the web this week. If you come across something that other intellectual historians might enjoy, please let us know in the comments section. Basma Zia Meral, “The Question of… Continue Reading →
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