The Journal of the History of Ideas Blog

Tag Eastern Europe

East European Intellectual History–Russian Nationalism: Virtual Issue 2.3

by Artur Banaszewski and Isabel Jacobs

Forms of Bureaucracy

by editor John Raimo What sorts of history does bureaucracy yield, and what might histories of bureaucracy itself look like? That the two questions remain distinct yet fall closely together emerged in the course of an excellent recent conference organized… Continue Reading →

Images of history

by John Raimo As often as historians and art historians talk past one another, they also come together before common problems, questions, and sources. Both groups recognize the sheer power of images. Such a moment has reappeared in intellectual history…. Continue Reading →

Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Race: Notes on an Ongoing Controversy

by guest contributor Georgios Giannakopoulos The wave of student protests for racial tolerance and university reform in America recently crashed against the name of Woodrow Wilson. The eagerness to address Wilson’s racism prompted a discussion about his political legacy and… Continue Reading →

Prague ’68 and the End of Time

by John Raimo Prague’s famous Wenceslas Square fell silent on August 22nd and 23rd, 1968. Warsaw Pact troops invaded what was then Czechoslovakia the day prior in order to repress what had come to known as the Prague Spring. Under… Continue Reading →

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